What I think
Politics and the Constitution
How Labour becomes relevant and future-facing once again
Only by confronting our weaknesses – such as immigration policy and providing an alternative to austerity – can we build the coalition required to regain government.
Why tolerance is not enough
Against the Trumpification of politics.
We need radical reform to revive our democracy
Giving 16- and 17-year-olds a vote in the EU referendum is an important first step.
Britain needs wholesale federalisation – and Labour must lead the way
It is not enough for Labour to criticise the government on devolution: we must offer bold plans for decentralisation, and a transfer of power to local communities.
Labour can learn from the success of European modernisers
It’s great to learn from the politics of other nations, but only when you concentrate on those parties making a difference to the lives of those they represent.
Where Labour went wrong – and what we must do to put it right
We need an approach in which no one is too rich or too poor to be part of our party – and politics that starts with what unites rather then divide us as a country.